What Buyers are Looking For in a Newly Built Home

It has become clear in recent years that the features home buyers are seeking in a newly built home have significantly changed.  This may be from a significant shift in construction costs, primarily the soaring prices of lumber, the recent pandemic, and other factors.    So how can construction companies build in a way that will…

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The Difference Between Custom and Semi-Custom Homes

The process of building a home does not have to be complicated.   It is a wonderful experience if you are prepared and hire the right builders!  If you are considering custom homes, we want to make clear the differences between custom and semi-custom built homes.  Custom Built Homes If you are thinking about building a…

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The Requirements of a Commercial Construction Loan

When a business begins to grow out of their current facility and needs to build a new facility or an addition to their current one, a commercial construction loan is likely needed.  What is needed to acquire such a loan?  Let’s look at the requirements below.  A commercial construction loan lender will often ask for…

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